Saturday, October 27, 2012

Ice dyeing

This is our first time doing this.
Note to all you out there thinking about it.....
DO NOT soak your things in  the soda ash in the kitchen sink! Luckily I am married to a VERY forgiving handy man who is not afraid (or really angry with me) about my crafts gone bad!

Or a cement like substance solidified in the drain strainer.

Amazing and super cool to watch.

Yes. That is a herd of 2000 sheep headed towards the Interstate.

Oh boy!

We always joke around here that "it is always something." And it usually is something exciting such as this encounter on the way to Katie's Halloween dance recital. Good thing we left early and made it right on time. Ya just never know!

My zombie child

Hooray for framers!

This is what you come across on your way back from Walmart in search if a Halloween costume

Friday, October 26, 2012

Mountain Nebo welcomes us home from WI

We just started a new unit, we are studying the people of the woodlands. This is only my second chalk drawing. It's not too bad.

Well, I am not quite sure what to do about this. I was thinking that the laundry would dry and we would have no trouble hanging it out all winter long. But now that the snow is piling up on the laundry and it is only October, I am thinking I might have to come up with a new plan!

Someone is pretty excited about the hunting season this year!

Papa Joe comes to visit. That great Wisconsin jacket always gets used. :)

This is the mountain weather we returned to. The kids were so excited then Ben screamed out that it was just like Christmas! Then they all went in and got on their snow gear, came running out and spend the evening sledding!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Sitting at the park, relaxing in the shade and circling all the things in the American Girl doll magazine that she wants for Christmas.

Can you believe this girl is going to be 9?

This was the first of many birthday celebrations this week. We invited our friends over and they helped to make Katie's birthday very special.

We did our traditional lantern walk and wrote our birthday wishes on the lantern for Katie. Then we followed her down to the big evergreen tree in the middle of the field and hung our lanterns. It was really cool to see the lanterns hanging there in the dark lighting up the field.

That night when I was tucking Katie into bed, she hugged me and thanked me for making her birthday so special. It brought such joy to my heart to know that even though we are far from family and our old friends, we were able to make her day special in our new life here.

For official birthday is on Wednesday and we will celebrate then too! Actually, I think we are all going to go bowling!

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Majestic Mount Nebo covered in snow for the second time this season. I think this time the snow will stay. It is beautiful, isn't it?

I am not sure if you can see it because I took this picture with my phone, but up on the top of that tree with no leaves sits a hawk. We drove up behind the cabin this morning to see if we could find snow. But we were going to have to go too high so we turned around. This Hawk followed us the whole way.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Look at all those cows! That is what 300 + head of cattle looks like.

But I do think I need to draw the line somewhere! Those lines you see in the picture are my laundry line. That little blue basket is filled with the close pins. First it was the kittens now the cows. At least no 1  did their business up there under the laundry line or we would be eating hamburger for a long time.

And this is what we come home to on the driveway. Excuse us!

Not sure if I posted 1 of these already. So cute

Some of us really LOVE Walmart

Gym class!

Who's the fastest Summersaulter?

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

And this is what happens when you leave the laundry basket unattended!

This is the bin I keep the clothes pins in. Here is who I found smuggling.

Lots of visitors in our driveway now...

Pit stop....

We drove through that whole thing!