It started out as a fun summer trip west to the we live here. Our days are filled with the serenity of the mountains, the beauty of the high desert and the adventures of life on the ranch.
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
One more thing...
Did I mention I thought I was signing her up for softball and apparently it's fast pitch.... how do we go from coach pitch to fast pitch?
Is there no "softball" anymore? Did I miss this?
I know there must have been some MAJOR changes because I had never heard of Drill Team and lots of high schools have that. Was that pompons when I was in high school? I suppose it will be 20 years this year!
Oh my god!
And we'll have a ten year old!
Second softball practice
I suppose you have to get a ball thrown at your head at least once in your softball career. Katie got hers out of the way today!
Poor thing! But put on a brave face.
When the coach ran over to see if she was OK, she laughed and kept saying she was fine. I was sitting on the bleachers watching and was surprised because I saw that girl just wipe it at Katie even though they were pretty close to one another. Katie was playing second base and just acted like it was nothing....
until she saw me after practice and then got upset. You know when you see your mom something just allows those real feelings to come out.
And rightly so.... the ball hit her right in the ear and the outside of it was even bleeding!
So off to the market for a bag of frozen peas... And they were even on sale!
That super gross place in the background is the disgusting laundry mat! Cannot wait for our own machines! Do you realize how long it takes to hang out 5 people's socks and underwear- too long! So had to use the mat today!
He scoffs at fear!
Just before I took this he had his thumb in his back pocket! And I could hear him chuckling at me while asking what all the deep breathing was for!
Well, there are still two other areas to do like this, but think this was the worst of it!

Monday, April 29, 2013
Sunday, April 28, 2013
Missing Wisconsin
These beans are on sale! $2.99 a pound.... Really?
They should be feeding them to the California seagulls in the parking lot!
Missing Good Harvest. Even Pick and Save!

Saturday, April 27, 2013
The cool down...
That is the puddle from the paint sprayer!
I suppose we all have to do what we have to do!
Friday, April 26, 2013
My painting partner
All the kids are outside playing.... Which is just as well because it gets top be a lot to manage. One will be painting corners with the paint can and brush. Another one will be rolling, which means I am following that one and "assisting". And then another one is asking what they can do!
So Betty is the perfect partner!

Love this!
This is the keeping room. We did not name it that but that was what it was called in the plans and the name has kind of stuck.
I can totally see the white wool area rug in here we used to have in the piano room. Really excited!
Thursday, April 25, 2013
Benny painting his room
At first when I opened the can of "Hot Apple Spice" he said he did not like it and I thought.... Well, that is a whole lot of color to not like.
Once we got it up on the walls Ben said he liked it. Then he said all we needed was a wooden wagon wheel on the wall for decoration!
In action
We actually let her pick her own room colors.... Which was really good on my "control freak" part!
And I must say, the colors are awesome!
Kiss Me Kate & Sea Lavender.
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Our spot
This is where we sat and wrote in our nature journals. It was so quiet and peaceful and fresh. I think Ben had it right when he wrote "I love nature. Nature is great!"

Fountain Green
So there is a reason this little town got it's name! We hiked in to see what it looked it. Katie wondered why it wasn't named Swamp Fountain-which I found rather witty!
Just a ton of water coming out of Rhett side of the mountain.

Happy Earth day
We went hiking down by Salt Creek. It was a lovely day and I felt pretty blessed to share it with the kids. I am always amazed at what they bring forth. Just a pure appreciation of living things. And you know it's a great day when that includes each other!
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Well, I do remember Scott mentioning he was hoping for some moisture! This is what we woke up to this morning. However it will be gone in the next couple of days.
Monday, April 15, 2013
So fun!
Aunt Rhonda gave each of the kids some money for Easter. This is what Katie bought! Boy! It was a long wait and lots of trips to the post office in anticipation!
Where it's at!?
If you look in the bottom left hand corner at the base of the mountain, you will be able to see the new house and where it is in reference to the mountains.
Already drinking beer on the deck
There is no flooring yet, just some plywood, but still really awesome! Can't wait to have people over and barbecue on the new deck with the beautiful scenery of Mount Nebo in the distance.
Kitchen area
This is kind of hard to see, but this is a picture of the dinette area on the left, the keeping room on the right and in the center the kitchen area. Pretty excited for a brand new kitchen!!
Lovin the drywall!
This crew of drywall guys was even up to the house and working on Sunday! We should be painting by next weekend. This is a picture of the lodge room.