Everyone commented at dinner tonight how much they love Utah and went on to list all the reasons. Katie's reasons were so sweet and true to her heart as she shared how much she loved collecting flowers, gathering all the beautiful rocks she can carry in her shirt, how we can save power (YES! she really said that as though she is a little environmentalist in the making!) and all be together.
The bathroom is still under construction -thank God for "Darby" the camper-so I spent the morning sanding and caulking. Lucky for Scott, I had forgotten what a terrible mess of a job that is! Anyway, should be done in a couple days.
We went walking in the field out front this afternoon. Utah, our dog, ran circles around us and we all started to feel a little more like sheep as she would take to running at the speed of light around us, lay down in the grass to rest, and pop back up just to go tearing around us all again. The kids continue to pick me bundles of flowers and am grateful the flowers are everywhere! Even when I can hardly hold one more in my fist full, I cannot help but feel loved when one of them pick one and come running to give it to me. Ben will say, "Here you go Mom." Hunter will come running as though he has made the greatest discovery of all and say, "Mom, I got this one just for you." And Katie will swagger up with a fist full and just stand there with her flowers out not saying anything at all but still speaking to my heart.
Katie and I did our first load of laundry by hand today and I have to admit it was my favorite part of the day. We were pretty proud of our first load hanging out to dry! She cannot wait to do more. I am simply the rinser, but she was sure into being the washer!
The boys enjoyed themselves driving the truck around the field. It was quite the adventure but they thought driving was the greatest thing. Although Hunter thinks his toy gun is the greatest thing EVER! It goes everywhere with us. We told him he can only use it for "hunting" so that is all he does. He just crouches down in the grass and pretends to shoot a mule deer. At first, we were not sure about this direction, but Scott and I both played cops and robbers when we were kids with toy guns and we turned out alright, right??
Yeah! So great to hear of your first days in the fields. What a great experience for all of you! Keep the stories coming. Miss you.