More WONDERFUL days together!
I know I must seem so overly sentimental but can hardly help myself. The time here is just shared in such a unique way. We got back from the town carnival and dinner with friends and discovered we have a couple new friends here at the cabin. There was a hummingbird feeder that was out here and we had seen a couple zoom by the other day so decided to set it up.
Scott and Hunter went over to the other side of the farm to help out one of the guys who was working (still cutting hay!). Katie and I stayed back. Ben was exhausted from a fun day at the carnival eating snow cones and dancing to the local bands, most of which were families. Very sweet to see a dad get up in front of the crowd with his 5 girls and strum "You are my Sunshine" while all the little girls sing along.
Anyway, Katie and I sat out on the upper deck and waited for the hummingbirds to come and, sure enough, they did! Katie got within 2 feet of one. It was magical! When Scott and Hunter got back, they joined us. So, there we all were, sitting together, perfectly still and quiet, cuddled together in a warm blanket, just waiting. The gentle breeze had grown cooler and we snuggled together for warmth and the quiet of the mountains settled over us. We just sat there - for like an hour or two! It is not as though we would have not done that at home, but the gift of NOW is so profound here, as though the next moments, hours, days and weeks are just too far away and unpredictable to worry ourselves with, so we just truly cherish these kinds of simple moments that we share together because really when you think about it, it is all we have. The rest is all just kinda out there still and the other is gone.
I realized something about myself the other day when I was at Bear Canyon with the kids. We had decided to go hiking for the morning. It was a place we had visited for lunch but did not get a chance to hike at all so went back to enjoy a little hiking. In my younger years, I would have had no fear. I would have been blazing the trail with my pack, headed to my "freedom" - off into the woods in search of peace and eventually myself. As we started down the trail, however, I started to feel fear and uncertainly. I know there are mountain lions, bears and other wildlife to be aware of but also have talked to people who have been here their whole lives and never have seen any of those animals. Maybe it is that I feel universally lucky and blessed that I think I would cross paths with a mountain lion or just a big 'ol scaredy cat, but either way...we did a lot of LOUD singing on the path. I wondered if I have just gotten old or now travel through this Life with some precious other little beings that initiated this feeling of fear. But the moment was marked as one of those where I truly knew that my life and my heart have opened and what has flooded in has been such an immense feeling of love. A mountain lion would not have stood a chance!!
We let Katie and Hunter stay up later than usual tonight and did some sparklers and baby fireworks. They each loved to have a sparkler in each hand and twirl them as fast as they could. I have this image of them laughing and smiling while their eyes are bright with the reflection from the light of the sparklers and with the excitement of something new.
The count down has started as to how many days we have left before we head back to WI. There are still many things we would like to do before we head back. I know Scott has a lot of farm work to accomplish so he will be busy this week. Lately, he has been spraying "white top" in the mornings until it gets too hot. I think the flower looks rather pretty, but apparently it's bad for the land and the cows. He also now have the cabin all rigged up with wind and solar power. He amazes me! Anyway, it will be a busy week and before we know it, we will be homeward bound.
And YES, it will take a while for us to domesticate ourselves again. Remember when I asked that question "What the heck will be next?" in one of the last blogs in reference to dead animal parts? Well, I did get the answer. A fox tail. And do not even ask me how we acquired it because I will most likely not tell!
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