I cannot tell you how many times today I heard Katie say how much she loves the kittens! We made the mistake today of bringing them up from the shop to the cabin. Although the kids were completely occupied all afternoon, their hearts just grew bigger and bigger with a great love for the kittens. I kinda have to admit it too. They are so sweet and cute and I had forgotten how playful and silly kittens are! They all snuggle together, play with each other's tail, and clean each other's faces. Scaredy-Cat even snuggled with the dog!
Katie created this little kitten bed made from a small tote top and some grass, leaves and other soft things of nature she could find and then collected all the kittens and set them all up on it and they all stayed! Katie spent the better part of the afternoon "selling" kittens at her pet store. The boys loved it even though she was charging WAY too much for them, like a hundred million dollars - but they do have great value to her!
So, I do have to admit I am a little, just a little bit, in kahoots (sp?) with the kids about bringing them home. I even think I have convinced myself that we might need our own shop kittens at home for the mice in our shop! Besides, the last three kittens Scott got at the shop all died and the thought of that is just terrible. So, I keep directing the kids questions about bringing them home to Scott - I think he said earlier today that he would let Katie bring one home. But then a little while later, I also heard him say that it was like a "animal mad house" up here. So, I think he might need to pet and snuggle them a bit more.
I wonder how they might travel in the RV?
Uh-oh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope it is not too soon to say, "Kitties, pack your bags!"
We still have the catch and release policy. We caught a frog, 100's of Mayflies, and a grasshopper...all of which got no more than a container with a rock, water and grass until they were released back to the wild...I just love the Katie aspect with pets! Did I mention the mosquitos???? Yikes! We're innundated here