Woke up to this on the day we r suppose to fly home for the holidays!
Yup....that is about 12 inches.
Yup.....I did already get the truck stuck which I heard was "impossible"!
I guess not for me!

It started out as a fun summer trip west to the ranch....now we live here. Our days are filled with the serenity of the mountains, the beauty of the high desert and the adventures of life on the ranch.
Woke up to this on the day we r suppose to fly home for the holidays!
Yup....that is about 12 inches.
Yup.....I did already get the truck stuck which I heard was "impossible"!
I guess not for me!
We have 1 cow who pinched a nerve when she went through the shoot. So now she is having some trouble with her front legs . In short, they are not really working all that great. So we move her over to the corral where she could rest. The kids and I went over to do ranch chores and she was laying there. I walked over and gathered up some hey and brought her a fresh bucket of water.
Then I gave her a little cow massage.
I think I may have just turned into a vegetarian!
So my worst nightmare came true last night! I had always worried what I would do if someone were to throw up all over in the middle of the night, we really have no place to wash that in the middle of the night without running the generator.
Thanks to Hunter I now know exactly what I would do. Somehow Hunter has grown up to be the worst thrower upper. I think he must fight it for so long that finally when it refuses to stay down it just comes shooting out. So not only did hunter throw up all over his own bed he projected it on to Benjamin's bed as well. Good thing Benjamin had already crawled into bed with me and Scott.
I woke up hearing Katie telling hunter to go and get mom. I am not really sure what Hunter with doing or what he was thinking, but when I came in and the smell of puke hit me like a freight train, he was laying face down in an X on his bed! Poor thing!
Anyway, after giving everything is good rinse and scrub, we all lived to tell about it!
And now Katie and I are spending the afternoon at the laundromat playing Rummy while Scott stays back with the sickies!
That guy, standing there, holding the cattle prod, that is my mean husband. I am Not sure what I was really thinking about when I thought about all the cattle going to the squeeze chute. Perhaps I thought they may just quietly and nicely all walk down . But that is not really the case!
So the kids and I finally made it over to the ranch. Benjamin woke up this morning with the flu and has been throwing up ever since. So the chickens were going to have to wait. Good thing it was rather warm today and their water actually thought I'd some so they were not completely dehydrated when we got there.
So the kids and I pull up, Ben wrapped up in a blanket in his pajamas and a puke bucket and the rest of us all eager to see what is happening at the ranch. Today was the day the vet was coming to do the pregnancy checks on all the cows. On our way down log Canyon we saw a herd of deer with about 30 to 40 dear. And of course, there were the 2 big bucks.
So we pull up and there is a big dead call just laying there. We all have our faces pressed up against the glass windows in the car wondering what is going on. When I asked Scott he said that she got stuck coming to the squeeze chute or maybe it might have been the alley that leads to the squeeze chute and broke her neck! You can still see the chains wrapped around her where they had to haul her body out. The kids and I looked out and I am not sure who said it, but 1 said just another day at the ranch . That is life on the ranch.
So we decorated a Christmas tree after all!
I will tell you a funny story about this tree. Last year at Prairie Hill, were the kids use to go to school, I was in charge of the annual appeal. In order to hold people accountable for their contributions we decided to put together an annual appeal giving tree. I got such a great deal on this fake tree at Steins that I decided I wanted to take it with me to Utah when we moved. It actually worked out really great seeing as it is our Christmas tree this year!
I took this picture when it was snowing so the house is hard to see in the distance
Hunter and Katie and I spend 3 hours sweeping up the new house. It was a lot of hard work but then we treat ourselves going out for lunch. Of course Benjamin came with us out to lunch as well even though he spent most of the time in the car.