So the kids and I finally made it over to the ranch. Benjamin woke up this morning with the flu and has been throwing up ever since. So the chickens were going to have to wait. Good thing it was rather warm today and their water actually thought I'd some so they were not completely dehydrated when we got there.
So the kids and I pull up, Ben wrapped up in a blanket in his pajamas and a puke bucket and the rest of us all eager to see what is happening at the ranch. Today was the day the vet was coming to do the pregnancy checks on all the cows. On our way down log Canyon we saw a herd of deer with about 30 to 40 dear. And of course, there were the 2 big bucks.
So we pull up and there is a big dead call just laying there. We all have our faces pressed up against the glass windows in the car wondering what is going on. When I asked Scott he said that she got stuck coming to the squeeze chute or maybe it might have been the alley that leads to the squeeze chute and broke her neck! You can still see the chains wrapped around her where they had to haul her body out. The kids and I looked out and I am not sure who said it, but 1 said just another day at the ranch . That is life on the ranch.

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