So my worst nightmare came true last night! I had always worried what I would do if someone were to throw up all over in the middle of the night, we really have no place to wash that in the middle of the night without running the generator.
Thanks to Hunter I now know exactly what I would do. Somehow Hunter has grown up to be the worst thrower upper. I think he must fight it for so long that finally when it refuses to stay down it just comes shooting out. So not only did hunter throw up all over his own bed he projected it on to Benjamin's bed as well. Good thing Benjamin had already crawled into bed with me and Scott.
I woke up hearing Katie telling hunter to go and get mom. I am not really sure what Hunter with doing or what he was thinking, but when I came in and the smell of puke hit me like a freight train, he was laying face down in an X on his bed! Poor thing!
Anyway, after giving everything is good rinse and scrub, we all lived to tell about it!
And now Katie and I are spending the afternoon at the laundromat playing Rummy while Scott stays back with the sickies!

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