Sunday, January 26, 2014

Going solo

I just decided when I was in Wisconsin during Christmas that when we got back, I would ride more. Not that I know how to ride! But time and time again, I talked with people who say that when they were kids they had a horse and they just got on and road. In my mind, I come from more of the school of thought that says you need to have a teacher, that person needs to teach you everything you need to know to be safe and ride properly. So I have always limited myself.

So the other day, I got on road. We were over at the ranch and I walked up water hollow. Snorty sort of decided that he had something on his own mind that did not match what I had in my mind. So it got a little intense there for a minute, but I just have him stop and I relaxed and it was fine. It was an exercise of calm assertiveness! It was good for me.

Maybe I am still naive in my thinking, but I think for the most part, you can get animals to do what you want them to if you communicate correctly. It is a good lesson of calm assertiveness, which is a little new for me!

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