Sunday, January 26, 2014

Round up

In early december, we brought all the cows through for preg check. At that time, I do remember saying that we should separate out the first year heifers that would be caffeine for the first time. If you know me, you know I hate to do things more than one time so I just thought that would make sense. The response I got however was kind of like I didn't really know what I was talking about so we did not do it my way.

So yesterday we had to bring all the cows back in and we weed through them once again. We had gotten them all into 1 holding area and we're ready to bring them down through this alley. But they would not go because they were all freaked out about walking over some ice. So none of them would go forward! The plan? Totally shot!

We ended up letting them go out and around and in through another gate. And that worked. Then we sorted them.

Once we got them all separated, we had to move the younger ones across the road while the more mature cows were let back out in the pasture. The older ones are really capable of birthing on their own so we let them be. The younger ones can have trouble so we want them nearby.

We spent far too long chasing cows that afternoon! Lucky Scott was on a 4 wheeler but I was on foot.  This one cow, the one in the picture, just did not get it! So there was a lot of chasing it on the 4 wheeler and a lot of swearing on Scott's part!

We never did get her to go where we wanted her to.

I have to admit, it gets a little intense! It can get pretty frustrating after you got all the cows in a group but then they all start to turn and you loose them all and have to start all over. OR when one gets away-like the one in the picture-and Scott tells me to hold the other 60 while he chases that one! Let me just say THAT does not work!

We got them all except that one. After it was said and done, we just looked at each others poop splattered faces and laughed. Then Scott apologized for yelling at me and I apologized for calling him bad names under my breath!

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