Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Making chili

Making chili

Corn dogs at Reed's

My favorite? A sea burger with sweet potato fries- I could eat that EVERY night!


That is up at the solar panels

The pellets

Looking for owl pellets

Ever since we found that owl-her name is Chance- the kids have been fascinated with pellets. We always see a hawk sitting on the top of this telephone pole so one day we stopped and decided to look. And sure enough there were hawk pellets!

Monday, October 28, 2013


Katie in the distance

Round up--- again

If cattle east alfalfa that is in bloom, they will bloat up, drink too much water and kill over. That happened to one on the first day and then another the second day so we had to move them to a grass field. Ben and I were partners. He's got a good cattle yelling voice too!

Still babysitting

Standing in cow poop

A little loving

Horses are really herd animals and want company, certainly to knicker on one another. Snorty filled his need with this cow while it was drinking.


The cows get into a mob mentality. They freak out when they think they will not get any. So they busted the pipe and we had to hang out and babysit the water while the tank filled again. They will actually get into the stock tank! I have perfected my ranch/cattle voice at yelling at them.... Sometimes they listen better than the kids do!

We want minerals too

I need minerals

He stood and licked the railing for an hour!


Yup, under the deck!


Just part of the group

Snow college

We just bought a membership to the Snow college activity center. Both Katie and Hunter jumped off the high dive! Of course, Hunter negotiated with me.... That he would jump if I would jump.... I only agreed to the little one! Plus.... He would have jumped anyway!


We moved all the cows over to our side of the road. They are everywhere now!

Please don't eat me!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Yup- at the kitchen counter

The skull

The dissection

This was right up Hunter's alley! He could not wait to pull that Eagle pellet apart and find all the bones.

Thinking of my dad

One time we were in California, & I have never seen anyone take so many pictures of seagulls! It is now our joke together, that when we go somewhere and see a seagull we will text it to the other. I actually took quite a few pictures of the seagulls, until I got a decent one. So I know how tough it can be! Haha!

Making magic fairy wands

Studying spelling words

Back in the water

What Hunter found

This led to a fishing show the next day. It was all about how to set the hook, jig and be a successful fisherman!

The crew


Guess we needed a water day!

I mean, really...

Loving the wet sand!

I finally gave up asking Hunter to get out of the water in his muck boots. I knew by the end of the day they would be sopping wet along with his socks and pants. But he seemed to just really need that, so after asking a few times, I finally just let that one go.

Technically no school today

Before we left, the owner gave us eagle and owl pellets to dissect when we got home. It's kind of gross when you think about it, it is like dissecting dried up throw up, but really cool to the kids. One of the pellets even had teeth in it from a mouse! That one was Hunter's and he could not wait to get home!

We were at the bird sanctuary until about noon, so by the time we left we were all hungry. So we picked up subway on our way.

There was one place I had been wanting to take the kids for quite some time. It is a beach on the south side of Utah Lake. Because we were already north, I figured we might as well go. And we were all glad we went. It was just like 3 miles of nothing but beach and we were the only ones there!

A close up

The kids checking it out


So we put the box the back of the car and head north. My GPS took me to the completely wrong place, but finally made it there.

The lady there opened the box and could see right away that the break in the wing was a bad one. She asked if I would help her by holding the owl while she taped the wing, of course I agreed because I thought that was the coolest thing! I have never held an owl before and it was amazing.

She called the vet and got an appointment for an x ray. She said that until they got an x-ray: we would just have to wait and see.

She asked if we would like a tour of the place, and we all agreed that we would. It was like a bird sanctuary with a ton of different birds that she had rescued. There were several different kinds of hawks, a bald eagle, a golden eagle, a raven and a crow. The Crow and the raven could actually talk! It was pretty cool. The Crow enjoyed talking to Hunter the most!

The hero

I think I can say Scott was the hero because he was the one who grabbed the owl. However, I guess I could also say it was Betty. Scott opened the door that morning and let her out without thinking about all the cows around and she of course went running after them. His solution was to hop in his truck and drive down and then she would follow. Of course she did. So on Scotts way down, he saw this long eared owl in the driveway with a broken wings. So if he had not let Betty out and she would not be as naughty as she is, we might not ever have known.

Initially, we walked down to investigate. But then went back up to make some calls to see what we could do. We found a place north of us that takes injured animals and takes care of them, so I called her and she said to bring it up. I kind of paused and wondered how exactly we were supposed to catch an owl without getting our arms and eyes torn up. She told me to grab it by its feet and if it did peck, it would not hurt. So that was what I told Scott. After a couple of attempts, Scott was able to grab hold of its feet and get it in the box.

Then the kids and I headed north.

What our driveway looks like now!

I suppose it is OK after all, because the fatter they are the better and the feed on our side is great, so I guess we can live with it! I did kind of have to think about that this morning when I saw them walking up the driveway to the house! And on my way down when I drove through pile after pile of cow poop!

A very successful round up

The champs!

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Monday, October 21, 2013

Pretty amazing!

I do think I broke my toe though.... Note to self... Don't tack up in moccasins!

Katie's first round up!

Wrapping it up

Lovely when it goes smoothly!


Scott had the idea to take the fencing down right across the highway from the road we were using. The cattle were literally across the highway in less than 5 minutes!!

The signs actually worked!

Moving cattle today

I knew those bubble letters would come in handy one day!