Wednesday, October 23, 2013

The hero

I think I can say Scott was the hero because he was the one who grabbed the owl. However, I guess I could also say it was Betty. Scott opened the door that morning and let her out without thinking about all the cows around and she of course went running after them. His solution was to hop in his truck and drive down and then she would follow. Of course she did. So on Scotts way down, he saw this long eared owl in the driveway with a broken wings. So if he had not let Betty out and she would not be as naughty as she is, we might not ever have known.

Initially, we walked down to investigate. But then went back up to make some calls to see what we could do. We found a place north of us that takes injured animals and takes care of them, so I called her and she said to bring it up. I kind of paused and wondered how exactly we were supposed to catch an owl without getting our arms and eyes torn up. She told me to grab it by its feet and if it did peck, it would not hurt. So that was what I told Scott. After a couple of attempts, Scott was able to grab hold of its feet and get it in the box.

Then the kids and I headed north.

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